Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Here's Dolph Ziggler vs. Darren Young on RAW 7/22/13

Zig-zag in the middle of the ring for the win. Dolph building momentum, but the real moment was when he got one over on Big E. Langston. It's clear that at SummerSlam Dolph will not be wrestling Alberto Del Rio for the strap but rather Big E. in a classic big man vs. small underdog face match. It's reminiscent of the days when Michaels took on Diesel.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Raw Live in Columbus, Ohio 11-12-2012

I was at this Monday Night Raw. Stoned out of my mind for most of it (for the first time in a long time). Two days after my 30th Birthday.

Fabulous Rougeau Brothers Theme - Again, Just Vintage

CM Punk vs. John Cena (Money in the Bank 2011)

Still the greatest modern PPV Match in my opinion. A perfectly wrestled match:

WWF Fallen Superstars Art

I absolutely love these. I had to put a few of my favorites on the blog. My favorite ones after Bad News Brown and the jump.

Mattel WWE Entire Panel! SDCC 2013 Dolph Ziggler, Mick Foley, Figures!

Worst ending to a Royal Rumble? Yokozuna and Macho Man

And to think I was actually excited about this match coming down to Yokozuna and Macho Man Randy Savage! Look at the way this damn thing ends! Who the Hell booked this shit back then? AWFUL. Just AWFUL! Then again, it's what makes wrestling great, shit like this!

Hart vs. Perfect - King of the Ring 1993

One of the greatest technical matches of all-time. Hart described it in his book as 'Spy vs. Spy'.

The Warrior is in WWE2k14

Credit to MTV blog on this: This looks decently awesome, or is at least an awesome commercial. I'm not a huge Ultimate Warrior fan, but; whatever.

This is what this blog is all about (Girls in Cars by Robbie Dupree)

I just really get happy playing this tune every now and again. It reminds me of when I was a kid growing up watching the WWF on Saturday Mornings, much more innocent and happier times with less stress, more health and all my family members were alive and close.

You can hear this song as Strike Force runs to the ring in December of 1987 as WWF Tag Team Champions. And don't forget this iteration of the song - yes I owned this game on the old Nintendo. Ted Dibiase's theme song (it was rumored to be Andre's since he didn't really have one but it actually belonged to Dibiase in this game).
Lyrics to Girls in Cars

Dolph's Royal Rumble 2013

"And now the man, who drew number two" Ziggler lasted almost 50 minutes and had two eliminations in the rumble.

SummerSlam Memories

I remember SummerSlam '91 like it was yesterday. I'm fairly certain that it was the day before school began, and I remember as my dad tucked me in that night (I was nine years old) wondering whether the wedding between Miss Elizabeth and Macho Man went off with a bang. I was hoping they would talk about it on 700 WLW radio sports talk with Steve 'Boom Boom' Cannon. I think they touched on it but memory runs short. I remember my old WWF Magazine billing the card as 'A Match Made in Heaven' and 'A Match Made in Hell'. The match of the night was Mr. Perfect vs. Bret Hart for the Intercontinental Title.


Hogan v. Andre

Elite 24 Dolph Ziggler

Had to order my first figure in a long time last night when I saw Elite 24 Dolph Ziggler. He's my favorite in the game today because of the way he works and the charisma he has in the ring. He's a throwback to yesteryear when I fell for wrestling. Here's Dolph talking a little about his figure at Comic Con recently: The storyline of Big E Langston turning on Dolph Ziggler is also a throwback to Sid turning on Shawn Michaels. Dolph is featured in his trunks that he won the WWE World Championship in on Raw: