Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bray Wyatt Evaluation

I absolutely love these evaluations done at Cageside Seats. They have done a few of these so far that I really enjoyed, because I think they really factor in what people like about wrestlers and what the character needs to improve upon.

This evaluation was done on my favorite guy in the WWE today, Bray Wyatt.

Overall, people loved his match with Bryan at Royal Rumble, his character, his finisher, his promos, and his creep walk. Can't disagree, these are all things that add to the mystique that is Bray Wyatt.

People say he needs more singles matches, and I agree. I am also worried about the future of his character if creative does a poor job booking him or makes him look weak somewhere. The ride could come to an end.

I end this post with a user comment on the post about Wyatt:

"Love – They say the key to being a great heel is believing everything you’re saying, and this guy lives his words. His dedication to his character is incredible, his mannerisms in ring movements, facial twitches are masterful and head and shoulders above so many. Also he’s unorthodox! He’s not your typical bodybuilder type but you believe that this guy is a freakin’ monster. That’s not easy to do in the land of giants."
I can't wait to see more of this guy. He makes me want to watch every week and every Pay Per View; and he gives me a lot of hope for the future. 

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