Here are my thoughts:
- I absolutely loved the beginning of the program with Stone Cold, Hulk Hogan, and The Rock. Great way to kick off the show.
- Bryan Vs. HHH was a very good match - but not great. It was still well done and a match I was very happy with. I am surprised that HHH put over Bryan so cleanly in the middle of the ring. It was clear to me by the finish that nothing was stopping Bryan on this night.
- I thought the Battle Royal was done well. Cesaro was my pick, and it ended just how I would have ended it. Wish Dolph Ziggler could have gotten his due though.
- I didn't like John Cena beating Bray Wyatt. I thought that Wyatt should have won this match and Cena maybe the re-match. Or it ends in a different way then Bray getting beat clean in the middle of the ring. Not sure what this does for furthering Bray's character. He put on another great show.
- Undertaker's STREAK ENDS! 21-1. This guy has been wrestling at Mania since I was a little kid. I appreciate the art of the great surprise at the big spot. You'll always remember Wrestlemania 30 for this moment. But I don't understand it going to a part timer like Brock. That part makes little to no sense to me.
Thank you Undertaker for all the memories. The last remaining active wrestler from my childhood, gone. Sad day/night in a way. - The main event: Bryan gets his payoff, finally. Just the way it should have been. And it was more interesting than Daniel Bryan simply winning in the middle of the ring. I was very impressed in where the writers took this story, and it was well done. A fake referee, HHH and Stephanie getting involved, and Bryan nearly being carried to the back with several high spots in between. Bryan walks off with the belt in the biggest Wrestlemania ever. Just like it should have been.
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