Sunday, November 22, 2015

Survivor Series 2015

This could have been my last Survivor Series. I guess it was mostly met with disappointment. I'll recap with some screens.

Kevin Owens and Dean Ambrose met with a match that most said should get high reviews. Of course, Owens lost. He's also sporting a new t-shirt. I thought Owens had a chance tonight; but with the turn of my head all hopes were lost. He's still in IC champ. But an angle with Owens as the corporate champion while he's hot would have fit much better than... well we'll get to that.

Dolph Ziggler came out channeling his inner Shawn Michaels with a new wardrobe. And he lost to Tyler Breeze. Ziggler is pretty much irrelevant these days. Oh, what could have been (yet again). 

The Wyatt Family match vs. Undertaker and Kane was next with disappointment number three on tap. I figured that Bray Wyatt had a chance to score a victory over the Undertaker and Kane because it was a tag match. But again, I gave WWE Creative a little too much credit. They have no imagination. 

Undertaker's entrance was of course; as epic as ever. As JBL said on the announce table "it's like watching Wyatt Earp walk into Tombstone". 

Let the record state that Bray Wyatt hit the Sister Abigail on Undertaker in this one with what I thought would be the win, but Kane jumped in and made the save. And then a double choke slam to the Wyatts and a Tombstone piledriver later, and Undertaker and Kane were the victors. 

The title match wasn't what everyone thought it would be. Reigns goes over clean on Ambrose in the middle of the ring. The confetti starts to fall and it's seemingly like Daniel Bryan winning the title, including HHH coming out to the ring and spoiling the party. 

At the end of the day, with Sheamus walking away with the belt, no one wins. A real fuck finish and once again I'm left feeling as I usually do with WWE pay per views. It had so much promise and potential and WWE just kind of went with the 'blah' from start to finish. 

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