Ring Posts]
I like Cody Rhodes enough; and I'm glad there was a Larry 'The Axe' Henning sighting being the that event was held in Minneapolis.
The Wyatts & The Shield was another Match of the Year candidate in my opinion. I love how strong they made Bray Wyatt look by pinning the Golden Boy Roman Reigns in the middle of the ring with Sister Abigail. That said, I also really liked how strong they made Erick Rowan look - as he held his own with Reigns and kept the match going while Rollins and Bray battled in the crowd. Love the team combination of the Wyatts and I think that this match proves as a unit they are very good workers. I marked out somewhat when Bray pinned Reigns clean with the Sister finisher.
The Wyatts night was not finished. They would also interrupt a very important part of the Elimination Chamber Match, coming down to the Chamber and giving the Sister Abigail to John Cena, costing him his shot at Wrestlemania and the title. I am excited about Wyatt's match at Wrestlemania with John Cena.
I marked out in the Elimination Chamber when Daniel Bryan *nearly* won the title with a roll-up of Randy Orton after battling off Kane - but again WWE did the wrong thing letting Randy Orton retain. If they don't allow Daniel Bryan to win the title at Wrestlemania 30, they've missed a golden opportunity. I don't understand the payoff of a Bryan/HHH or Bryan/Kane match at WM30.
The Alberto Del Rio vs. Batista match was comical. I loved the Minneapolis crowd and how they booed Batista. It's just not working. I can't believe WWE will actually have Orton and Batista headline Wrestlemania.
Big E Langston and Jack Swagger had a nice match. Glad to see Big E retain.
I thought that Antonio Cesaro showed what a good worker he was again last night - and he contributed to the overall success of a strong Elimination Chamber match.
The Usos vs. The New Age Outlaws match didn't do a lot for me, but I am happy to see the tag circuit at least relevant right now in some way. The Outlaws keep it that way.