Wednesday, July 22, 2015

WWE NXT Episode 288 Recap

The Unveiling of new NXT World Champion Finn Balor
Balor came out and cut a promo, and basically to me he was how he needs to be on the mic. He was human, relatable. He talked about all the time he's spent wrestling around the world and that it's taken him 18 years to get to this point. He spoke about all his time in Japan, and all the consideration he gave to coming to NXT. He said that holding the NXT title belt made it all worth it. This is clearly the pinnacle spot for Finn Balor's career. He is not super strong in promo work. This could become a concern on the main roster. Then again, it works perfectly in NXT. 

Balor pointed out all that the man (Kevin Owens) he defeated for the belt has done in six months; all the big time guys he has beaten, pinned, or hurt. But he didn't beat Finn Balor in Tokyo. Balor said in the Barclays center in Brooklyn, he's walking in NXT Champion, and walking 'straight back out NXT Champion' (cheesy), and then Balor's music hit. The fans love him. This is going to be a big ticket re-match and it's being billed as the biggest NXT match ever. I agree. 

Eva Marie vs. Cassie
I know Divas are what has made the NXT product a thing. I just don't care about them. Yet. Eva Marie wins by the way. 

Next up Tyler Breeze wants to know where he stands for NXT: Takeover Brooklyn and he's talking with William Regal. Basically he says he knows William Regal has something big waiting for him, and it better be something good while mentioning the Owens/Balor match at the event. Breeze probably goes on to feud with Balor after that match with Balor retaining, possibly he interferes in it. 

Baron Corbin vs. Jesus De Leon
Baron Corbin hits his finisher (End of Days) for the pinfall win.

Samoa Joe vs. Mike Rallis
One of the other most 'over' guys in NXT, Samoa Joe beats Rallis with the muscle buster. I think this is the move that injured Tyson Kidd. Joe got chants from the crowd "Joe's gonna kill YOU". 

Two more Divas Matches I could care less about
I just can't get into them. Charlotte Flair got the win, Charlotte Flair despite being the best thing going for women's wrestling right now (allegedly) is a very ugly young lady. I don't care about these matches and never will. 

The Vaudevillans vs. Angelo Dawkins & Sawyer Fulton
The Vaudevillans have a helluva schtick/gimmick. They're one of the first teams I noticed when I started paying attention to NXT at my friend James' house, and he was laughing at them. They hit their finisher, the Wherling Dervish over the two jobber-esque opponents for the win. The Vaudevillans will get a title match next week.

NXT Takeover: Brooklyn Title Match Contract Signing
Regal starts out in the ring and Kevin Owens cuts a promo saying this is the biggest main event ever in the history of NXT. He asks Balor 'how does it feel to be the NXT Champion?'. You could see it coming from a mile away, as Owens slams Balor's face into the table and them ambushes Regal after calling Balor the underdog. He said Japan was nothing but a fluke win for Balor and that he will become the first two-time NXT Champion. 

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